Sri Lanka Athletics (SLA) successfully conducted Technical officials (Grade 111) examination recently and Mashoor Hasaan has obtained highest marks of 93 at this exam said Senior Vice President of SLA G.L.S. Perera who is in charge of Technical and media of SLA.
There were 32 Athletic Technical officials got over 70 mark at this exam and they all got valuable certificate. Mashoor Hasaan the physical education teacher hails from Kalmunai works at Ameer Ali Pura Vidyalaya Irrakamam became first at this exam while J.A.Nusry and Jamil Kafrooy were second and third obtaining 92 and 90 marks respectively.
Grade III (Technical Official) – Assistant Technical Officials with two years of experience are eligible to sit this written examination followed by a viva-voce and required to obtain a minimum of 70 marks and 32 technical officials qualified to get this mark. The Vice President of SLA G.L S Perera said athletic technical officials are very important to look after and SLA has conducted TOECS level 1 courses and examinations for more than two decades since year 2002.
All the Technical Officials are required to adhere to the code of conduct issued by SLA. Athletic Technical officials exam Grade 1V(Assistant Technical Official) is held for beginners while Grade III and 11 (Technical Official), TOECS Level I exam also conducted by SLA.
In addition National Technical Official (NTO)- TOECS Level I Technical Officials with two years of experience are appointed as NTOs and they are issued with licenses for a period of four years. The renewal of licenses are done through a viva-voce.
All these exams are conducted by SLA and their knowledge is very important while at all athletic meets conducted by SLA these qualified Technical officials are doing their great service, said Technical and Media in charge of SLA Vice President G.L S Perera.
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